Sunday, November 18, 2012

The worst movie I've ever seen... ever.

McMurdo station has a coffee house in an old Jamesway. A Jamesway  is a sort of quonset hut but smaller. They were common durring WWII and a few are still standing here, leftovers from when the station was run by the Navy. The coffee house provides free coffee drinks, board games, internet, and a second room full of couches where open mic, as well as movie nights are held. You are also allowed to bring your own alcoholic beverages. Earlier this week I saw a flier for a Sunday screening of the Star Wars Holiday Special, complete with commercials from 1978. This movie was aired once and was never released onto video. Someone somewhere taped this horrible conceptual nightmare one evening in 1978 and it eventually found its way from Betamax to google videos. An all out endurance test, I can honestly say that the only movie ever made that can come close to competing with it as far as an epic failure and something that could be used as a torture devise would be Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space. I was one of three people who made it to the end. I now know that I am more than capable of surviving in the harshest environment on the planet. I won't spoil it for anyone who might enjoy pain enough to attempt to watch it, but I will say this: The first 30 min is all in wookie, no subtitles, and at the end you get to see Carrie Fischer sing. Don't say I didn't warn you. Here are some more photos from around McMurdo.

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