I'm finally feeling settled in and ready for the winter ahead of me. The last flight went out almost a month ago (sorry, no pictures, it was cloudy) and since then I've gotten to know many of the 141 other people here at McMurdo, as well as the 15 people over at Scott Base. The days are getting shorter and shorter and it's only a few weeks until the last sunset. The remodel project I'm working on is going well and keeping me very busy. I'll be posting some pics of that soon. For about three days we had a giant iceberg floating off of hut point. I thought it would freeze there since it didn't seem to be moving, but the next morning it was gone. Seriously, this thing was the size of a large building and it literally disappeared over night. Crazy. Aside from that, there has not been too much happening lately. I was lucky enough to see a group of Emperor penguins over at Scott Base. They've been hanging out there for a few weeks. Pretty cool. We are in the middle of our first two day weekend of the winter. The nice thing about winter is you get a two day weekend once a month. Today there was a horseshoe tournament over at the heavy shop, which generally happens the Saturday of each two day weekend. I only lasted two rounds. Better luck next month.